Posted in poetry


I am all about
uniquely feeling
the poignant something
I write.
When my pen touches
words touch me
as no lover ever has
words want me
as no fantasy ever will.
Words flow steadily
and chaotically,
but they are my own creation.
I write.
I know how
to scream
and hear the scratched-chalkboard sound of it
in my maddening words.
to cry
and feel the wave-worn shatter of it
in my wretched words.
to love
and know the blanket-warm thrill of it
in my fervent words.
Writing speaks to me
in my own language and
of my own language.
I am its muse and it is
my music,
my soul written
in quick and
lingering pen-strokes
that are only
for me.


Poetic moments in the words of a dreamer and other randomness in the words of a believer. "Hang yourself, poet, in your own words. Otherwise, you are dead." ~ Langston Hughes

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